Practice Questions & Answers on Process Skills (Part 1)

In today's fast-paced and competitive corporate world, possessing a strong set of Process skills is more critical than ever. Whether you're a seasoned executive or just starting your career, honing these essential skills can significantly impact your professional growth and success. In this blog series, we'll delve into a variety of key Process skills, providing insights, strategies, and practical tips to help you navigate the complexities of the corporate landscape and achieve your full potential.

Stay connected for upcoming parts of this series! 

1. Stress can be managed better, if you learn how to manage better. Select the correct option(s)

    a) Time
    b) Money
    c) Communication
    d) Client

Answer:  a) Time


Effective time management is very crucial for stress management. With good time management one can prioritize tasks, Avoid procrastination which helps us to have sense of control of our day. Prioritizing tasks involves focusing on what is important, essentially avoiding getting overwhelmed. Preparing a schedule and sticking to it can make you feel more in charge of your life, reducing stress levels.

2. As per management Guru, Stephen R Covey's example of "Clock and Compass". Clock signifies and Compass signifies

    a) Effectiveness, Efficiency
    b) Efficiency, Effectiveness
    c) Effectiveness, Effectiveness
    d) Efficiency, Efficiency

Answer:  b) Efficiency, Effectiveness


As per management Guru, Stephen R Covey's analogy, the clock symbolizes efficiency. It represents our schedules, appointments, and the way we manage our time to get things done. The compass represents effectiveness. It signifies our values, principles, and overall direction in life. It guides us towards what truly matters and ensures we are moving in the right direction.

3. "I am not a bully and not a doormat either. I value my rights and that of others too. My opinions matter so does other's, even if they are not the same". This describes which style of Communication?

    a) Aggressive
    b) Passive- Aggressive
    c) Assertive
    d) Passive

Answer:  c) Assertive


Being Assertive involves expressing your thoughts, feelings, and needs clearly and directly while respecting the rights of others. A person is assertive when he is aware of personal boundaries, recognizes and acknowledges the rights of others. A assertive person is respectful towards opinions and beliefs of others and values personal rights.

4. What are the stages of Effective Reading? Select the correct option(s).

    a) Skim 
    b) Scrutinize 
    c) Summarize 
    d) Selective

Answer:  a) , b) , c) 


The correct options are Skim, Scrutinize, Summarize. Skim is all about taking a quick glance through the textual documents to get a overview of the content and main points. The Scrutinize stage is carefully reading the text, paying close attention to details. Summarize is all about extracting the key information and main ideas of the text in your own words. 

5. This is the first stage of conflict, where people, ideas and priorities come out of their shell and express themselves, they open up and disclose the inner aspects of their iceberg" What stage of Tuckman's Team Evolution, does this relate to?

    a) Forming
    b) Storming 
    c) Performing
    d) Norming 

Answer:  b) Storming


In storming stage team members begin to put their individual ideas assertively and challenge each other's perspectives. The phrase "people, ideas and priorities come out of their shell and express themselves" aligns with this stage. In storming stage team members become more open about their thoughts and feelings, even if it leads to disagreements.

6. "Quarter end is fast approaching and soon we will be pulling on for 20 hours per day for the annual closing of the books, all those reports, all those checks and audits for reconciliation of accounts. All that work, all that stress is coming my way. I am sure I will fall ill at that time, due to all that work" What type of stress is this?

    a) Situational
    b) Time Stress 
    c) Work Stress
    d) Anticipatory Stress

Answer:  d) Anticipatory Stress


The correct answer is Anticipatory Stress. It is a stress caused by constantly worrying about future events or situations. The person described in the above scenario is anxious about the upcoming quarter-end workload, the long hours, and the potential for falling ill due to the stress.

7. What are the stages of Stress?

    a) Alarm
    b) Resistance
    c) Dy-stress
    d) Exhaustion

Answer:  a) , b) , d)


The stages of stress are Alarm, Resistance and Exhaustion. Alarm is a preliminary stage where the body recognizes a stress and prepares to fight or flight. In the resistance stage a body tries to adapt and cope with the stress. Exhaustion is final stage which occurs if the stress continues for a prolonged period of time, which can lead to physical and mental health problems.

8. Being "Assertive" is the combination between being ______ while still being _______

    a) Right, Tough
    b) Tough, Honest
    c) Polite, Tough
    d) Right, Polite

Answer:  a) Right, Tough


The correct answer is Polite, Tough. Assertiveness involves expressing your thoughts, ideas and feelings in a respectful manner, especially when you disagree with someone. Being polite is inseparable aspect of assertiveness but at the same time requires one to be firm and stand up for yourself, requiring you to be tough.

9. "The Total is greater than Sum of Parts", this is what we call

    a) Energy
    b) Integrity
    c) Performance
    d) Synergy

Answer:  d) Synergy


Synergy of work happens when the result of individuals, teams, or organizations collaborating is better than what they could achieved alone. Synergy highlights the power of collaboration and how it can lead to results that wouldn't be possible if each entity worked by all alone.

10. There is a long mail trail between client and LI Team, back and forth. Bits of information has been added by different people, but you need a complete picture of the situation. What step of "Effective Reading" would you now use, to get the complete information and ask questions?

    a) Ask Questions
    b) Scrutinize 
    c) Summarize 
    d) Skim

Answer:  b) , c) , d)


The steps for effective reading are Skimming, Scrutinizing, and Summarizing. Skimming involves quickly looking through the material to get a general sense of it. Scrutinizing is the stage where you read carefully and focus on details. Finally, summarizing requires you to put the main points and ideas into your own words.

11. What is the first stage of Stress?

    a) Exhaustion 
    b) Resistance
    c) Alarm 
    d) Shock

Answer:  c) Alarm 


The first stage of stress is the Alarm stage. This is a stage where the "fight-or-flight" response comes in from the body. The response tries to prepare you to deal with a perceived threat in the given situation of the stress.

12. An Assertive person is always looking for a solution to the problem.

    a) Lose/Lose
    b) Win/Lose 
    c) Lose/Win
    d) Win/Win 

Answer:  d) Win/Win


Assertive individuals characterized to express their needs, their thoughts and stand up for themselves while also respecting the needs and rights of others. They like solutions where everyone involved feels heard and satisfied. Win/Win solutions are the solutions, in which parties involved benefit or feel positive about the outcome.

13. Positive Stress which motivates you to push yourself and do better is called

    a) Pareto Principle
    b) Eustress
    c) Alarm
    d) Dy-stress

Answer:  b) Eustress


Eustress is type of stress that refers to positive category of stress, or stress that is beneficial and motivating. It pushes individuals to perform better, grow, and achieve their goals.

Mastering the essential Process skills we've explored throughout this series is an ongoing journey. If you keep learning and growing, look for chances to use your skills, and stay flexible when things change, you'll have what it takes to succeed in the ever-changing Corporate world. 

Practice Q&A on Process Skills Part 2

For Articulation follow below links.

Articulation Q&A part 1         Articulation Q&A part 2         

Articulation Q&A part 3         Articulation Q&A part 4

Articulation Q&A part 5         Articulation Q&A part 6

Articulation Q&A part 7


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