Important Questions & Answers on Articulation (Part 5)

Hello People! Here we go with Part 5 of our article on ''Important questions and answers on Articulation". We are discussing more questions and answers on articulation. In this revision of blog in our series we are discussing on web application user messages, email writing and etiquettes, overall general writing etiquettes and much more. We hope this series will add more knowledge to your articulation skills.

Stay tuned for future editions of this series.

1. Choose the message that provides accurate and complete details to help the user take appropriate action: Task is to add date in a form hosted on website.

    a) Enter date again
    b) Incorrect date format
    c) Date is invalid
    d) Incorrect date format, Enter date in the DD/MM/YY format

Answer:  d) Incorrect date format, Enter date in the DD/MM/YY format


It is necessary to give complete details to the user about the error, which ensures there will not be any confusion in the data required. The options a, b, c indicates that the date entered is not as per the required format but do not give any info about the expected format. Option d that is "Incorrect date format, Enter date in the DD/MM/YY format" indicates the required format avoiding confusion and reattempts from user.

2. While writing a long email message you should:

    a) Keep the sentences short
    b) Organize everything in one paragraph 
    c) Use tables, and listed items as much as possible
    d) Break the text into logical paragraphs

Answer:  a) , c) , d)


A email with long paragraphs of text can be overwhelming. Breaking it into paragraphs as per the topics helps the reader follow your points more easily. Addition of tables, lists etc. can improve the appearance of the email as well as make it organized. Short sentences can be easily understood as compared long sentences. 

3. Identify True or False: Its okay to send flame email if it is a joke.

    a) False
    b) True 

Answer:  a) False


Flame emails can turn into harmful situations. Such a emails are prone to misinterpretation. In written communication humor misinterpretation chances are more and it may result in damaging the relationships. What one intend as a joke might be taken seriously by the recipient. So it is suggested to refrain from using the flame email.

4. Alex is working on a message that will be displayed to the users of an online banking portal. which of these messages should he use to help his users know the status accurately ?

    a) Your request is under process.
    b) We have received your response 
    c) Our servers are running
    d) We are processing your request. please do not quit or refresh the page

Answer:  d) We are processing your request. please do not quit or refresh the page


The option d is the correct one as it is clear and specific, it informs user their request is under process.  The message reassures the user request is being taken care of, which is especially important in a banking applications. It also gives clear indication to the user to not refresh the page or quit the page, which may lead issues in recording the transaction. 

5. Choose the guidelines that you will adopt to write clear user messages that will help your users.

    a) Use the technical words in user messages
    b) Provide a message only if required
    c) use similar messages for similar situations
    d) Use polite and supportive tone that does not blame others

Answer:  b) , c) , d)


As per the guidelines user messages should be helpful and constructive. One should not place a blame on the user if any error occurs. The user messages are intended to provide solutions and guidance. It is recommended to provide messages which are essential for their understanding or action.

6. Using all capital letters in your content could indicate:

    a) Important messages
    b) Professionalism 
    c) Shouting
    d) Sentences said by someone else 

Answer:  c) Shouting


Capital letters can be used in words, phrases or some idioms to highlight it, but using capital letters for entire sentences or paragraphs will be considered as shouting in online text communication. One should refrain using it for the textual communication over internet.

7. Which of the following details would you not expect in a Technical specification document?

    a) Project requirements 
    b) Project objectives
    c) Task procedures
    d) None of the above

Answer:  c) Task procedures


A Technical specification document is a detailed outline that defines the technical requirements of a project. The technical specification document should contain system architecture and design, functional and non-functional requirements, and technology stack used. Task procedures are not necessarily needed in the technical specification document.

8. Beginning your social media post or presentation with an anecdote or a short story is an excellent way of connecting with your audience.

    a) False
    b) True

Answer:  b) True


Beginning your social media post with a story is a effective way to engage your audience. Adding a story at the beginning makes the post memorable, and it keeps the post attention grabbing. Anecdotes and stories are known to evoke emotions and personal experiences, making the audience easier to relate with the post and to connect with the content on a deeper level.

9. Include anecdotes, analogies and interactive scenarios when you present, as this helps you to:

    a) Make presentations bulky
    b) Ensure a high recall value
    c) Distract your audience
    d) Ensure your audience is attentive

Answer:  b) , d)


A presentation will be more relatable and memorable if we include the analogies and interactive scenarios. It helps audience relate to the topic and are more likely to stick in their minds. Engaging the audience through questions, activities, or scenarios keeps them actively involved and interested. This makes the presented information easier to understand and recall for the audience.

10. In an email message, abbreviations and acronyms can be used: 

    a) When the receiver is aware of the expanded forms
    b) When mailing to Higher management 
    c) Sparingly with expanded forms at the first instance of usage.
    d) None of the above

Answer:  a) , c)


It is obvious that not everyone will be familiar with all abbreviations and acronyms. Using the expanded forms of the acronym at the first instance of use, allows the reader to understand it. In case if user not able to recall, he can refer back to the first instance of use where the expanded form is used. We can also use it when we are sure that the recipients of the mail are aware about the short forms we are using.

11. User messages must be written in language that is: 

    a) Polite
    b) Unbiased
    c) Clear and concise
    d) Passive long sentences 

Answer:  a) , b) , c) 


For the better user understanding user messages should be written in unbiased, polite language and clear to the point information. To avoid the tickets and enquiries for the minor issues and errors the user messages must be able to properly guide the application user in case of such a issues. Passive long sentence are a big no for user messages which makes user frustrated during error situations. 

12. Geographic infographics can be used to:

    a) It is trendy in corporate 
    b) To make presentation colorful 
    c) Capture the regional data
    d) Depict and analyze trade patterns, climate, population across regions

Answer:  c) , d)


Geographic infographics such as maps, charts can be used to represent data related to specific locations regions or a area. This makes it easy to see patterns and trends across different regions using graphics and text combinations.

13. A user message is displayed when there is a possibility or occurrence of system error and:

    a) Makes the application UI look good
    b) Helps users to rectify their errors
    c) Provides users a proactive guidance
    d) Helps reduce number of calls made to the support desk

Answer:  b) , c) , d)


The purpose of the user messages is to guide user about the possible error occurring in the system which helps them to solve it by their own. Clear and informative error messages empower users to troubleshoot and resolve issues independently. This reduces the need for them to contact the support desk for assistance.

14. Of the following choose the message that will help users quickly understand the requirement and provide the right input when they enter details in the user account info field:

    a) Use characters only
    b) Use only alphanumeric characters only
    c) Input is invalid
    d) None of the above

Answer:  b) Use only alphanumeric characters only


The option d) is the correct answer as it is clear and specific, rest options conveys the message but it is not informative. This message directly asks user to input letters and numbers into the field. By providing this guidance upfront, you help users avoid entering invalid characters, leading to fewer errors and a smoother experience.

15. Readers value and share Social media content that is ________ 

    a) Clear
    b) Connected to their beliefs
    c) Trustworthy
    d) None of the mentioned options

Answer:  a) , b) , c) 


Generally over the social media readers are more likely to value and share content from sources they trust. The pieces of information which are connected to their beliefs are shared mostly.

We trust this collection of "Important Questions and Answers on Articulation" has been a valuable resource to strengthen your understanding and communication abilities. By acquiring and mastering articulation skills, you will create better connections, accomplish your goals, and thrive in your career. We'll continue this series with additional questions, answers, and practical advice to further elevate your expertise.

Articulation Q&A part 1         Articulation Q&A part 2         

Articulation Q&A part 3         Articulation Q&A part 4

Articulation Q&A part 6         Articulation Q&A part 7


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